P.S. We Expire with Morgan Motsinger

The P.S. We Expire podcast centers around one big question: This life is short, so why are we waiting? Why are we waiting to… start a business we can’t stop dreaming about? leave a career, relationship, or religion that is unfulfilling? create habits that carry us through hard times? choose to have a loving relationship with ourselves? Welcome. I’m Morgan. I’m an entrepreneur, mother, speaker, and mayhem-maker. I learned first-hand how challenging it is to navigate unexpected and painful circumstances. When my daughter was diagnosed with an incurable, degenerative disease at age 3, I learned quickly what was most important in life. I explored psychology, spirituality, philosophy and healing. For the last 11+ years, I have learned tools and methods for mindfulness and resilience, and I share them on this podcast. When she died in December of 2022, I realized how important these mindset tools really are. We all want more fulfilled lives, but that can only happen when we have honest conversations and authentic connections. Let’s have these conversations together here on the P.S. We Expire podcast.

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Wednesday May 10, 2023

Have you been in the place where you thought, "I just need to burn my life to the ground and start over." 
Marisa was an executive recruiter, living what looked like a perfect life. Behind the scenes, something was missing for her. She woke up to a different way of looking at life and turned her world upside down. 
Join me as Marisa and I talk about what it means to live in alignment and how to weigh the cost of big change. She shares what a spiritual coach is, and what to do when life doesn't look how you thought it would.
Marisa is an Executive Recruiter turned Spiritual life coach helping high-achieving women master their thoughts and energy to step into the deeply fulfilling and abundant life they were meant to live (with practical tools and less hustle).
Find her in these places:
Find more about Morgan on her website https://www.morganmotsinger.com/
and on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/morgan_motsinger/

Wednesday May 03, 2023

Having difficult conversations feels awful. The nausea, the tight throat, the shaking hands, the dry mouth. Ugh. 
What can we do to get better at having hard conversations? What can we do when we have needs to address with our spouse or partner, uncomfy subjects to navigate with our kids, or problems to talk about with our employer or employee? 
I'm sharing 7 "Be's" with you on how to get better at having difficult conversations:
Be choosy
Be introspective
Be clear
Be focused
Be intentional
Be present
Be willing to get help
I'm fleshing out each of these points and encouraging you to have hard conversations because you never know...it may greatly improve your life and relationships. In fact, it will improve your life because you have committed to authenticity and to learning how to be uncomfortable.
Thanks for joining me. I'm so glad you're here.
Take a few minutes to rate and review if this show has helped improve your life in some way. 
You can learn more about Morgan on her website, book her to speak at your next event, or inquire about being a guest on her show. https://www.morganmotsinger.com/

Ep19: What is Your Purpose?

Wednesday Apr 26, 2023

Wednesday Apr 26, 2023

"What is my purpose?"
This may be one of the deepest questions we all ask. Philosophers have been asking this question for millennia, and today I'm tackling that question. 
I don't think I have any new insight into this massive question, but I do have my experience, my theological training, my current education, and my curiosity that have guided me to a particular way to view this question.
Firstly, a very, very brief inquiry into the bigger question: What is our purpose as a human species?
And secondly: What is my unique, personal purpose? 
We want to know that we're part of something bigger. We want to feel like we can make a difference. We want to embrace life in all its ups and downs and know that even the hardest things can be alchemized for something spectacular. 
I explore this concept:
We are here for 1) connection 2) creation and the key to both of this purposeful experiencing is presence. 
So join me today for a fairly abstract conversation that will end with you feeling more empowered to find the purpose in your own life. 
Find more videos on my YouTube channel
Download the free e-book "Know Thyself" for a personalized journal where you can explore my three favorite personality tools: Human Design, the Enneagram, and The Big Five. Increase your self-awareness and self-trust using this free ebook! Know Thyself

Wednesday Apr 19, 2023

Loneliness is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease, obesity, cancer, dementia, depression, anxiety, suicide, and addiction. 
Science in the medical community has shown how much loneliness impacts our mental, emotional, and physical well-being. But what do we do about it? What contributes to loneliness? How do we address it in our lives?
I'm sharing 4 questions you can ask yourself if you're feeling lonely. I also discuss the difference between loneliness and being alone (solitude). How do we create deep and meaningful connections with others? How do we handle when we feel lonely?
Thanks for joining me today on the P.S. We Expire podcast. I'm so glad you're here. 
If you want to know more about Morgan, book her to speak for your event, or are interested in having her as a guest on your podcast, you can learn more at https://morganmotsinger.com/
You can also follow along on social media on Instagram, TikTok and Facebook, and for longer video content, you can find her channel on YouTube. 

Wednesday Apr 12, 2023

The day I recorded this episode, April 4, 2023, marks 4 months since my daughter Anni died.
This week I'm deviating a bit from my typical format and sharing something more off-the-cuff. 
Grief has surprised me in many ways, especially in the last 6 weeks or so. I'm not surprised that I'm grieving but I have been surprised by when grief shows up and what it looks like when it does. 
Thanks for joining me today. 
You can learn more about me and my story with Anni on my website https://www.morganmotsinger.com/ and of course follow along on Instagram for daily insights into mindfulness, anxiety, resilience, and of course, grief. https://www.instagram.com/morgan_motsinger/

Wednesday Apr 05, 2023

When you hear words like embodiment, somatics, healing, does it feel a little woo-woo? Not so long ago I was unfamiliar with these concepts, but when I started to really dive into how our subconscious minds drive our behavior, so many answers clicked into place. 
Today, Rachael Meeds and I dive into what healing through the use of somatic tools actually looks like. We discuss practical ways our bodies can process emotions, how we can stop numbing and avoiding uncomfortable feelings, and what living an authentic life actually looks like. 
Rachael Meeds is a Global Coach, Facilitator, Writer, & Speaker. She specializes in embodiment, somatics, breathwork, mindset, & leadership development for creatives, entrepreneurs, public figures, & business professionals. She's a voice for fulfillment focused living, liberated expression, harmony within your body, mind & spirit, & impact driven leadership.
Rachael's info:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rachaelmeeds/
Website: https://www.rachaelmeeds.com/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@rachaelmeeds
And check out her podcast, the Embodied Leadership Podcast on Spotify and Apple

Wednesday Mar 29, 2023

Kim left her 20-year corporate career after a tragic personal loss as a result of domestic violence. We discuss what emboldened her to make such a profound shift in her career from corporate to business coach and why entrepreneurship, especially for women, is her passion. 
We discuss the cost of staying silent truly is. We talk about how to manage the overwhelming amount of input people have into our lives via the internet and how to be okay with speaking with vulnerability. 
Kim is launching her small business education program Small Business School AP Track April 1st. If you want to learn more about marketing, sales and building a successful small business, visit her website: https://kimthebusinesscoach.com/enroll
Find her on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/kimthebusinesscoach/
To learn more about domestic violence and how to recognize the signs, visit:
National Domestic Violence hotline: https://www.thehotline.org/
Grand Rapids, MI local domestic violence support: https://safehavenministries.org/

Wednesday Mar 22, 2023

This episode is for you. Not your husband. Not your obnoxious neighbor. Not your mother-in-law. 
This episode is all about personal responsibility. When we shift the narrative from being a victim, full of blame and shame, to the understanding that we have much more choice in our lives than we give ourselves credit for, possibilities open up.
We'll examine personal responsibility in relationships, in our mental and physical health. We will discover what the number one implication of embracing personal responsibility truly is. 
Join me on Instagram for lots of little blips of insight into mindfulness, healthy habits for mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing, and more. 
On your journey toward greater self-awareness, it helps to have some tools. I'm sharing my favorites in my free e-book "Know Thyself". Grab your copy here: Know Thyself

Wednesday Mar 15, 2023

Everything we believe is because we've thought something over and over and over again. This is good news because it means our beliefs are optional. 
Knowing that we can consciously choose our beliefs is empowering and contributes to our ability to be resilient. We are not stuck with the beliefs we've always had about money, relationships, or the hard things that have happened to us.
Today, I'm sharing 3 helpful thought reframes:
1) Both/And
2) Asking "What now" or "What next"
3) The power of "or" and always looking for another story
Hang out with me on Instagram: @morgan_motsinger
Join the podcast VIP after-party! Each week, an email is sent out with additional thoughts about the previous day's episode, personal stories, and shenanigans: Join here
If you want to learn more about how to work with me or book me to speak for your next event, visit my website https://www.morganmotsinger.com/

Wednesday Mar 08, 2023

Why do we self-censor? What are the risks of not living with integrity? We are rarely comfortable having difficult conversations, even (or maybe most especially) in our intimate relationships. Fear, conditioning, or experience may keep us from being totally honest with ourselves and with others. We can learn how to stop censoring ourselves and choose courage over comfort. 
My guest today is an expert in self-censorship. Africa Brooke is a consultant, accredited coach, strategist, and international speaker who specializes in helping public figures, established entrepreneurs, teams, and individuals with personal or professional challenges related to self-censorship and self-sabotage.
You can find Africa on Instagram @africabrooke
and her website africabrooke.com
Be sure to check out the free e-book "Know Thyself" to deepen your self-awareness and create the life you want:  Know Thyself E-book

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